


Additional configuration variables

In the configuration file of Simple Web TV: config/configData.php you will find a number of variables that allows you to configure Simple WebTV to better fit your needs

From Simple Web TV 1.2, most of the configuration variables are modified through the Content Administrator.

Variables: descriptions and options

webTVMaxClipsRelated: Default 25.
Max. number of related Clips to show.
webTVMaxClipsFeatured: Deafult 6.
Max. number of Clips (per page) that will be displayed in the "Featured Videos" tab.
webTVMaxClipsByDate: Deafult 6.
Max. number of Clips (per page) that will be displayed in the "By date" tab.
webTVMaxClipsMostViewed: Deafult 6.
Max. number of Clips (per page) that will be displayed in the "Most viewed" tab.
webTVMaxClipsTopRated: Deafult 6.
Max. number of Clips (per page) that will be displayed in the "Top rated" tab.

webTVFewerTags: Deafult 10.
Minimun number of "Popular TAGs" that will be displayed.
webTVMoreTags: Deafult 30.
Maximun number of "Popular TAGs" that will be displayed.

webTVSortingMethodClipsRelated: Default "random".
This variable allows tou to change the way "Related Clips" are sorted.
Options: "random" / "playlist".
webTVSortingMethodClipsFeatured: Default "date".
This variable allows tou to change the way "Featured Clips" are sorted.
Options: "name" / "duration" / "date" / "random".

webTVContextualizeClipSections: Default: "yes".
If set to "yes" all Clips displayed on "Featured videos", "By date", "Most viewed" and "Top rated" tabs will be gathered from the active channel (if any); otherwise, all available Clips will be displayed into those tabs.
Options: "yes" / "no".
webTVShowClipsRelated: (from Simle Web TV 1.1.8+) Default: "auto".
If set to "auto" (and the previous variable is set to "yes") "Related Clips" will be hidden when watching a Channel (to avoid Clip redundancy). In any case, "Related Clips" will be displayed when a Channel is not being watched.
Options: "auto" / "always".
webTVPlayClipsWithoutReloading: Default "yes".
If set to "yes" when clicking a Clip from the "featured videos", "by date", "most viewed" and "top rated" tabs, the selected Clip will start to play in the video player without reloading the WebTV. If set to "no", every time a Clip is selected the WebTV will reload.
Options: "yes" / "no".

webTVChannelGroupIcon: Default " ▼" (downward arrow -triangle- character: ▼ ).
If you wish to change the default character that is appended to the Channel Group buttons, do it here.

webTVFTPActiveMode: Default "no".
If set to "yes" FTP connections will be done using active mode instead of passive one.
Options: "yes" / "no".

webTVFriendlyURLs: (from Simple Web TV 1.1.10+) Default: "no".
This variable allows you enable/disable friendly URLs.
Options: "yes" / "no".
webTVFriendlyURLsStyle: (from Simple Web TV 1.1.10+) Default: "default".
This variable allows tou to select the friendly URL style.
Options: "default" / "folder" / "file".
Friendly URL style examples for the "unfriednly URL"
          • Default:
          • Folder*:
          • File*:
*NOTE: "folder" and "file" styles require htaccess modification (Apache Web Server only): Download sample .htaccess file.

- Facebook Comments Integration - (from Simle Web TV 1.1.5+)
webTVShowCommentsButton: Default: "no".
To show or hide the "Comments" button.
Options: "yes" / "no".
Enter the ID of the Facebook account(s) that will be able to moderate the comments. If you are entering more than one, separete IDs by commas.
If you have a Facebook application from where you want to moderate the WebTV comments, enter the App ID in this variable. This will allow you to moderate the comments, more easily, from the centralized Facebook Moderation Tool ( ).

webTVWebmaster: Enter the E-Mail where you want bandwidth reports to be sent. These are very simple reports that the WebTV automatically sends once the monthly bandwidth counter resets (the first day of each month). If blank, E-Mails will be sent to info@ your current domain. Additionally (from SimpleWebTV, if you forget you Admin password; it will be sent to this account.
NOTE: Bandwidth reports are illustrative only and will not take into account most "LiveClips" playbacks; please use your hosting bandwidth tools for real/accurate measurements.
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